"Baldeo Public School has been established by the prime grace & inspiration of lord Sh. Dauji Maharaj Ji. We have the vision to provide a modern learning level of education at Baldeo. We have the vision to provide a modern learning environment on the campus without damaging the roots of our rich culture and civilization. The Baldeo Public School is a modern co-educational English Medium School. established in 2002 by Shri Sundar Singh Ji and Badam Singh Ji. It provides a sound academic, social, and moral education to all students, regardless of Cast, Creed & Religion. We realize that a school is not a wilderness where plants and animals grow randomly. Instead, it is a garden where each plant is tended carefully so that the flowers that bloom spread fragrance all around. The location of Baldeo Public School is near Dorilal Samudayik Swasthya Kendra, Mathura Road Baldeo, it is just about 2 Km. far from Baldeo crossing and 12 Km. from Mathura City, 20 Km. from Sada bad City."
Baldeo Public School is near Dorilal Samudayik Swasthya Kendra, Mathura Road Baldeo, it is just about 2 Km. far from Baldeo crossing and 12 Km. from Mathura City, 20 Km. from Sada bad City.